Personalized books grab your childs interest, motivates them and helps build their self confidence. A childrens story that is personalized makes learning fun...
by Ann Bowers filme online the chronicles of narnia: the voyage of the dawn treader open season 3 online movie Madeleine Hunter, an educator of great renown...
One of the biggest tasks for the homeschooling parent is helping children learn reading words, their spellings and definitions. Games are a great way to learn...
Some advantages of project work is that it makes school more like real life. In real life, we don't spend several hours at a time listening to authorities who...
By Ann Bowers What is project-based learning and what are its advantages? Project-based learning is a framework for [tag-ice]learning[/tag-ice] that...
Where can you get homeshool material for your kids? Not that you have decided to oversee your child’s education at home, the first consideration is that how to...
Playing an instrument is a wonderful experience for any child. Instrumental lessons provide your child with a wealth of knowledge, including the basics of...
Parents and teachers often underestimate the effectiveness of puzzles in teaching children skills and concepts. There are many types of puzzles, including...
With each new challenge we face in life, there are successes, failures, problems, and worries. Homeschooling is new to you, but you will learn how to do it...
For decades, music was an important part of the school day for each and every child in America. Nearly every classroom in the nation’s elementary schools had a...
It’s never too early to teach your little one to enjoy music. Kids love to sing and dance to their heart’s content. Most children have a heap of natural...